Vienna Comic Con!

Vienna Comic Con was AMAZING! I don't even know where to start, haha 😁 I went there together with my friend Ultralarryus and we were blown away by how huge the con was!
(We didn't even manage to explore everything in one day O:)
On the second day she put together an ultra spontaneous partner look so we could both be fish trainers, it was epic 😁😁 I got so many compliments for my green Magikarp plush - nearly every single person who approached me was super surprised to hear that I had made it myself! I guess it looks too good to be recognized as handmade, #PinkuProblems xD
Thank you so much for your kind words, each of you made my day over and over again. 💚💚💚
I usually ship finished plushies asap and don't get to see people's reactions to my work personally - what some of you said to me at the con really melted my heart. 💚💚💚 On top of that I got to meet so many amazing people ;w;
The cosplay panel with Liui and Alodia was so inspiring! They said that it's most important to keep having fun and doing what you love when you want to make your passion to create into your job, and I couldn't agree more 💚 I definitely want to give even more than my best with my work 💚 Some day I might even have a panel about plushmaking if everything goes well. I would so love doing that! 💗 I'm so happy and motivated now! I wanna sew everything! Aaah! 😁💚