Frequently asked questions!
How can I get a PinkuPlush?
I sew a small amount of plushies for ~monthly shop Releases. They tend to find homes fast! If you want to be personally notified about the date, plush list and price list of the next Release, feel free to join the Newsletter gang.
When will XXX get a rerun in the shop?
The probability of a plush making a comeback in a future shop Release depends on its popularity. If you want me to sew a certain one again, leave a comment about it on social media! I keep a list of suggestions in mind when I plan for the next batch.
Some plushies are special editions that will never show up again though.
How much does XXX cost?
I do not send out individual price quotes. Each shop Newsletter includes a price list of the upcoming Release. As for commission price quotes, they have their own opening dates connected to the commission Newsletter.
Do you take commissions?
Yes. Though open slots are very rare & priced according to the immense amount of time and material cost it takes to make an entirely new plush from scratch.
As of the time of writing this (october 2022), I am going to take a long break from custom orders. Want to be notified when they return? There's an own Newsletter for this.
The only exception I am willing to make is for plush pattern commissions for companies. This is decided on a case-to-case basis. The design has to be their own, and intended for mass production via another manufacturer.
I do not offer pattern commissions for private use.
How do commissions work?
You can find my custom order info here.
Is there a way to get a plush for free?
That's only possible by winning a giveaway - I run them on social media from time to time. Keep an eye on the shop Newsletter to be notified when the next Giveaway is going to happen! ​
Where do you buy your fabric?
My main supplier of plush fabric is Stoffhummel.
(There is a globe button to change languages on top of the page.)
Do you sell your patterns or do you have tutorials?
I do not sell my fanart plush patterns. But! You can find original PinkuPatterns in this section of my shop. I am eager to increase the selection with new Ebooks when time allows.
Is your home smoke/pet free?
It is smoke free, and our beloved cat Tessie lives with us.
Do you accept commissions for clothing/costumes?
No, I only take plushie commissions.
Variations like plush bags and wearable plush accessories are okay.
Are you open for art trades?
Where did you learn to make plushies? How can I get started?
I first started by crocheting pillows, then moved onto sewing. Using tutorials I found online helped with basic knowledge, and I learned the most by experimenting with making my own patterns after that.
A few nice tutorials I can recommend for beginners are:
Also! I've had positive reviews from beginners about my Mochi plushmaking Ebook helping them to start out.
Besides these, there are more tutorials about plushmaking and its techniques out there. Google is your friend. <3