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The RETURN! + New Shop release Newsletter
💚𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍💚 PinkuPlushies are BACK! I missed all of youuuu. ;O; 2020 was not the best year, and I’ve had to be away for a...
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Plushmaking Ebook: RELEASE!
IT IS HERE. Pinku’s Guide to Mochi Plushies! AHHHHH 💚💚 💚💚 My first PLUSHMAKING EBOOK! Over 100...
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The 1st Plushmaking Ebook is incoming!
PLUSHMAKING EBOOK RELEASE: 18th, this friday! The theme: MOCHI PLUSHIES! They are round. They are cute. They fit into cupcake cases....
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Plush Tutorial!
IT’S HAPPENING! I’m working on the very 1st PLUSH TUTORIAL for you guys! 💚 💚 What will it be? Here's a hint! This one will be simple,...
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There's a newsletter now! All of its members will be notified via email whenever plush commissions reopen, or when anything else related...
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Giveaway winners!
Here are the winners of the Galar Giveaway~ Congrats! :D Blobble plush: SlicedFox on Twitter! Selection tool used:...
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To celebrate the release of the new games, PiriPaints and I are doing a Giveaway together! All the prizes are either handmade by me, or...
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Shop and price quotes update!
About the Shop: For the first time, I have had to pause my Etsy shop to be able to keep up with your orders! Thank you so much for making...
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I'm giving away this round Articuno plush together with BlueKanto on Instagram! Check out the giveaway post to find out how to enter....
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Scorbunny auction!
Update: It has found a home. :) Scorbunny is up for auction! It is possible to place bids for this plush until march 11th at 17:30 GMT+1....
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