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Shortened Commission information 

--> Plushies with an

already existing pattern

1. How to commission

1.1. Read all of the information on this page! By ordering a plush you also state that you agree with everything mentioned here. You may skip reading section 9 (“discounts”) if it does not apply to you.


1.2. You can only order plushies when commissions are open. You can
check the current status here.

You can send me your commission / price quote inquiry via Email to,com or use my contact form as long as commissions / quotes are open! 

Your message should include:
* Your full name (optionally plus nickname) and country
* Which plush you would like to have
* Your Paypal-Email address (if you chose Paypal as payment method)


1.3. If we have not discussed the price beforehand, I am going to send
the quote to you. (It’s always best to ask for a quote and discuss details before
commissions open!)


It is important for me  to know that you are okay with the price. If you are further interested in ordering your plush, please tell me in your reply. This makes your email a valid application for a commission slot! If you do not give me this confirmation until the time I decide who receives a slot the day after commissions are open, I will conclude that you have lost interest. If we have already discussed the price beforehand, no extra price consent is needed.


I am going to send out confirmation emails the day after commissions are open! Everyone who has sent an application will receive a reply saying whether you have received a slot on the list.

The email will come with a document containing this commission information page to keep a record of the terms of service valid for this plush order.


1.4. If your plush order has been approved, you just have to reply saying that you accept the commission (that includes the price and the conditions listed on this page and the attached document) and you will receive a commission slot!​


​1.5. Your slot will be added to the To-Do-List, a list of all current commissions. I will start working on your plush as soon as it has reached number one on the list!


1.6. I will send you pictures of the progress whenever there is something interesting to see! During some parts of the plush, like the creation of the pattern, no pictures will be taken. And don't worry if you don't receive any pictures for some time! I have days off too. ;)


1.7. Payment is due as soon as your commission is accepted. I will send an invoice to your Paypal (or tell you how to pay if another payment method is chosen).

I will not start working on your commission unless it is paid for when it reaches slot number one!

Once I have already started working on an order or ordered materials for it, payments will not be refunded.

Should a commission not be paid for upon reaching number one on the list, it will be pushed back to the last slot. If there is no payment or contact within a week of that happening, the plush will be removed from the list.



1.8. I will use the shipping address listed in your Paypal information unless agreed otherwise.

Please notify me beforehand if you want to use a different address!

Your plush will be shipped to you once it is finished and I have taken pictures of it. 



1.9. This plush creation involves the following steps:


1: Embroidering details onto the fabric

2: Cutting fabric pieces 

3: Sewing the plush

4: Stuffing the plush

5: Taking professional pictures of the finished plush (If I decide to do so.)

I might have to wait a few days to catch good lighting for pictures! This can delay the shipping. 


2. Commission slots

2.1. Commissions and price quotes are open for one day, every now and then. You can find the next opening date on the commission status page! 


2.2. It is possible to send commission application messages  / price quote inquiries during that day. I will read through all of them on the following day and choose which ones get accepted. I will accept as many as I approximately have time for until the next opening date!


2.3. I am not adding any new commissions to the list when commissions are closed! It is only possible to get a slot by applying on the day they are open.


2.4. If you want an order to be completed by a certain date (birthdays, christmas, etc), please take into account that making the plush itself and shipping it takes time. Ordering at least two months in advance of the deadline is recommended.

If one of the accepted commissions has a deadline it will be made before the others on the list, but that does not serve as a guarantee of reaching the deadline.


2.5. I will only be able to accept a limited number of very time-consuming plush designs per commission round to make sure all orders are completed within one month. If the last round of orders is not complete by the beginning of a new month, the new orders will be started as soon as the previous ones are finished.


2.6. Please do not message me multiple times asking how soon your commission will be started. You can see the order of plushies on the To-Do-List.


2.7. In case I cannot continue working on a commission due to a lack of materials I will put "waiting for materials" next to its slot on the To-Do-List. Should the commission be slot number one at that point I will work on the next paid commission slot in the meantime until materials have arrived.


2.8. In case I cannot continue working oncommissions due to falling ill I'll personally message the commissioner who is in slot number one and add a notification on the To-Do-List page!

The same goes for going on a holiday, the notification for that will be put up beforehand.


2.9. I do not take reservations when commissions are closed.


2.10. I have the right to decline a commission offer for whatever reason (e.g. too complex design, size exceeds limits, etc).

2.11. If there are multiple orders for the same plush design, they will receive the same slot and will be made simultaneously.

4. Material

4.3. It’s possible to use special effect threads for embroidery (eyes, marks, symbols, details, etc)! There is a wide range of glow-in-the-dark thread, metallic thread, holographic glitter thread and more to choose from. Tell me your ideas!

This might add to the price if I do not have the specific thread in stock.

5. General information

5.1. The time it takes to complete a plushie greatly varies depending on the design - usually a commission will be finished within 1-2 weeks of your plushie reaching slot number one on the To-Do-List. Plushies with already existing patterns usually are finished within a week, unless they are very complex. 


5.2. If your commission is a gift and you'd like it to be kept top secret, tell me! Then I will not post any public work-in progress pictures or pictures of the finished plush until you give me permission. I'll also call the plush "top secret" in the To-Do-List and change your name on there if you want me to. :)


5.3. If you want to add accessories or clothing (e.g. a hoodie, necklace, etc) to your plush it will add to the price. Details will be discussed via messages.


5.4. If you want specific details like a certain expression or pose, mention them BEFORE I start working on your plush! If any changes need to be made because your description was incomplete it will add to the price. I will only make these changes if I agree to do so.


5.6. It is okay to message me if you have specific questions, however please do check whether they are already answered here or on the FAQ page already.


5.7. As proof that you have read all of this page, include "Fluffy sheep!" somewhere in your message. (This is just for me, so I know who has had a good look at this.) The contents of this page apply to every commission and by commissioning you do state that you agree with it, no matter if you have read it or not.


5.8. I do not accept returns or offer refunds.


​5.9. I can offer minor plush repairs (e.g. open seams) for free in case they were caused by a mistake I made while creating the plush, but the customer has to take care of the shipping costs. ​


5.12. I do not accept any commission applications sent any other way than using the contact form or my email address. I want to keep it all in one place to not overlook any messages. 


5.16. Due to their handmade nature, no plushies are the exact same. Even if I remake a plush using the same pattern, some details may slightly vary. Each plush is unique in its own way!


5.17. My plushies are not suitable to be washed in a washing machine, gentle spot-cleaning is the way to go. They shouldn't be handled roughly either! They love to be cuddled though. :) Details about how careful the plush has to be handled depend on the design and will be discussed in messages.


5.18. Please be ready to reply to emails while I work on your plush! Besides sending progress pictures, I might have to get back to you e.g. for approval of an eye design sketch or other decisions. In some cases work on the plush has to be paused until you have replied. 


5.19. The country you live in affects the price of your plush in two ways: shipping and taxes.

In most cases, it is not possible to ship to a country other than the one you stated at the beginning of the commission without the price changing!

If you decide to change which country your plush is shipped to, the following will happen:

--> If the price increases, your plush will not be shipped until the remaining amount is paid.

--> If the price decreases, the difference will be refunded. Since this is a sudden change, it might take time to send the refund.


5.20. Let me know if you do not want me to post your (self created) reference pictures online, or if you want a certain page to be credited if I do show them.


​5.21. Plushies come with an embroidered Pinku Art signature for authenticity, if their size or design allows it.

Changes of the design

If any of the following happens, spending extra time to correct an error like it will result in a revision fee. The amount of the fee depends on the estimated time taken, generally around 15€ per hour + material costs.


5.20 If you want specific details like a certain expression or pose, mention them BEFORE I start working on your plush! 


5.21 It is not possible to change the plushies' pose / details after I have already started working on the pattern. If you have not specified the pose, I am going to choose one.


5.22 If you are sending me multiple reference pictures that show different details of the character (e.g. the character has stripes on one picture and none on another), please be very specific which details you want on the plush and which ones you do not.

If there are details that are not visible in the reference pictures, it is your responsibility to tell me about them on time!


5.23 It counts as an extra revision if you suddenly want me to change pieces of the plush / prototype that you have stated are okay beforehand. 

(E.g. after already approving of the prototype for the body and me moving on to further details that have to be directly adjusted to it, you request the body to be taller after all.)


5.24 The only time when changes to the set plush design are still possible is when we discuss details via email, before I start sewing. Once I start with the final plush, extra changes will be rarely accepted. 


If the fee is not paid, the revisions will not be made and I will continue with the commission as I would have without. Revisions will only be possible if I am willing to do them.


6. Shipping

6.1. I ship worldwide and am located in Sweden.


6.2. I will provide you with a shipping quote after you have told me your country and which plush you are interested in in your commission message.


6.3. The shipping price depends on how big and how heavy the plushie is once it is finished.

It generally costs around 18€-28€ for sending most plushies internationally.


6.4. The customer is responsible for paying customs if they apply. There are no customs within Europe, please inform yourself about your countries’ customs regulations if you are unsure. Customs are more likely to be applied to plushies starting at 30cm / 11.8 inch height and taller.


6.5. I do not take responsibility for plushies lost or damaged during the shipping process. I cannot affect how the shipping service performs.


6.6. The shipping service used is PostNord.



7.1. The payment will be due as soon as it is confirmed that you have received a commission slot.

If you are using PayPal, I am going to send an invoice to you! Please only pay by using that specific invoice.


7.2. Payment plans are also an option, though commissions without are more likely to be accepted. They have the following conditions:

- A pre-payment of at least 50€ has to be made upon receiving the commission slot.

- I will not start working on your plush unless it is fully paid for when it reaches slot number 1. Slots with a payment plan are placed in the back of the list to give you more time.

- All sent payments are non-refundable.

- If the full amount can't be paid within a week of reaching the top of the list, the plush will be paused or moved to the last slot. If it already is on the last slot, details will be discussed via email. It is up to me to decide how I will fit your plush in my upcoming schedule.

- In case of a customer "vanishing" after reaching slot 1 and having paid part of the plush, the slot will be removed from the list after 1 week of no contact. The money will count as paid credit for your plush order and you can receive a slot on the list again, but you can only apply for it when commissions are open.


7.3. I accept Paypal, Swish (for Swedish customers) or bank transfer. Please ask your local bank if you are not sure what the conditions for a bank transfer to Sweden are. Any fees that apply are paid by the customer.

8. Pricing

8.1. Please tell me which plush (that I have a pattern for) you would like to have and which country you live in to receive a price quote.


8.2. As I do live within Europe, the prices are in euro (€).
No worries, you can pay with other currencies on Paypal, too! It just means that the prices listed in € won't change, no matter how much they are worth in another currency.
Currency values and exchange rates keep changing on a daily basis!
To check how much the € price currently is in USD or any other currency, please enter it here!


8.7. By tax laws, 25% VAT are added to the total for people living in Europe! If you live outside of the EU, customs might apply when you receive the plush. These vary depending on each country, I cannot determine whether or how much customs will be added. .


9. Discounts

Discounts for features are currently not available.

Reworking this section sometime when I actually take commissions again.



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